Lake Gordon, Tasmania.
On the tech side I primarily write about Software Delivery – how we go about writing, testing, and ship software. Making our systems easy to change and easy to ship is more important than meeting the design or intent of what it was designed for. Most recently I’ve spent two years working at a Big Tech company in the Engineering Experience and Software Delivery enablement space. Software Delivery is made of up of computer systems and team practices. Across my work I’ve seen seen thousands of systems, and seen patterns emerge in the practice and tactics teams use to either delivery high quality code at a high velocity, or quality code at a low velocity. If you’re interested in reading more Delivery Driven Development captures my philosophy, and the DevOps tag lists posts on similar topics.

Time and place
Photography is my real joy. Like most I started off with a point and shoot that I carried around on hikes. Living in the South Island of New Zealand tricked me into thinking I was a better photographer than I was. I’ve kept all of my early photographs on this blog though I don’t recommend looking at them. I was then captured by the Aurora and had to buy more serious kit to capture it. Landscapes and night skies were my favourite until I moved to Melbourne where both are about as common as a day without protesters in the CBD. Over the last couple of years I’ve been shooting more film. I enjoy it as a medium; both the results I get in my pictures and how it makes me think as a photographer. I’m most proud of a few albums:
- Hydra - A week on Hydra with an Olympus OM-1 35mm film camera.
- Western Landscapes - Death Valley, Antelope Canyon, Nevada.
- Melbourne Photography X - Night - A collection of night scapes shot around Melbourne on medium format film.
- Brighton Aurora - The aurora shot from a beach south of Dunedin.
Get in touch by sending me an email: logan@isthisit.nz.