Abstractions for Logic

Programming languages provide abstractions which allow the expression of logic. This gives us, the Alchemist programmer, the ability to recite a few incantations on our keyboards and imbue the programs we are writing with the apparent ability to make decisions. Without logic computer programs would …

Implementing General Computation

In A Simple Computation Engine with F# we created a programming language which computes basic math expressions such as (+ (+ 3 5) (- 10 6 0)). One limitation was that the only computations it could run were predefined by the programming language, specifically + and -. Here we evolve the language …

A Simple Computation Engine in F#

I’m in one of those reflective periods where I’m catching up on books I should have read earlier; Thomas Pynchon, Neal Stephenson, and the like. In Software Engineering one of those books is Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). SICP is known for teaching computing …

Deployment Frequency in Practice

Deployment Frequency is a software delivery metric popularised in the book Accelerate (2018). It measures the number of times a software component is deployed to production. I work on an Engineering Insights system at a BigTech company. Deployment Frequency is one of the metrics we measure and …

George Seferis in Galini

September 24 2022 · poems george-seferis hellenic

Extracts from A Poet’s Journal - Days of 1945 - 1951 by George Seferis covering his time in Galini. Recommended.

Poros. 1801. William Gell.

Poros. 1801. …