Product Delivery Learnings 2019

One of my goals for 2019 was to improve my skills and knowledge around Product Delivery. What is Product Delivery? I’d define it as a set of practices, attitudes, and tools which can be used to improve the quality of software and the speed at which it’s delivered to customers. It’s a large …

St Bathans

November 19 2019 · central-otago landscape-photography

St Bathans is an old gold mining town in Central Otago. It was established in the 1860s to support miners and is now nearly abandoned. It’s still a popular tourist spot with the blue lakes (photograph below) an iconic scene of the old sluicings.

Thinkpad T440s

November 17 2019 · tech laptop thinkpad

I recently picked up a second hand Thinkpad T440s laptop as a replacement for my Macbook Air. The Macbook was stuck with 4gb of RAM with no option to upgrade it. For a few hundred dollars I got a Thinkpad T440s with the following specs

  • Intel i5-4300U dual core CPU @ 1.90GHz
  • 12gb RAM (maximum for …

Typescript I - Safe Fetch with Decoders

What happens when we run this Typescript code?

type Person = {
    Name: string;
    Sport: string;

async function loadPerson(id: number): Promise<Person> {
    let result = await fetch(`/person/${id}.json`);

    return await result.json() as Person;

loadPerson(1).then(person => …

F# Web Application on AWS Lambda

I recently built a small F# web app which runs on AWS Lambda. In this post I look at some of the libraries, tooling, and tips which can help you build on the same platform. I used Giraffe (an F# layer on top of ASP.NET Core) as the web framework and DynamoDB as the database. AWS API Gateway receives …