Cradle Mountain

Crater Lake

Crater Lake

Tasmanian Landscapes

Great Lake

Great Lake

Pandarus in The Iliad

The Iliad has many central heroes: Agamemnon, Menelaus, Nestor, Diomedes, Achilles, Priam, Hector, Paris, the list goes on. Then there are hundreds of named characters who get introduced in the Catalogue of the Ships or the Trojan Battle Order, and then meet a quick death at the hands of a central …

Melbourne Street Photography - IV

April 17 2022 · melbourne street-photography


IC Initiatives at Big Tech

April 8 2022 · tech software-engineering

As an: engineer at a large tech company how might the engineering work I propose get implemented?

Individual Contributor (IC) Engineers are the experts of the systems they develop and operate. They often propose what I’m calling IC Initiatives: units of work that take typically one to four …